I used to and still see that any company, whatever its size and multiplicity of its business, reflects the thought, line, and vision of its founder. So, I, as a founder of this entity, want personally and directly to address the visitor of this website away from formalities and to transfer what is on my mind simply to let the visitor interacts and understands what I’m suggesting from thoughts, projects, and deals in both directions; i.e, interaction is required from the two parties, I and you.
You mustn’t waste your time inventing things that people don’t buy
“Thomas Edison” Entrepreneur and inventorI work personally and sometimes in alliance with partners under the umbrella of “Vibes Holding Company” on searching for unique, innovative, unprecedented investment opportunities to enter as a co-founder and provide support and oversee its development especially companies with high success rate opportunities lead by inspired leader who has a vision and capable and has big believe in his project that he provided, and what he needs is just supporting his project financially and morally.